Friday, June 12, 2009

Holy Crap.

Ok Ok Ok. So I've been a little busy and haven't given this blog any love in, oh about 3 months. My bad! But a lot of stuff has been going on, do you even know how busy I am?! Did I mention I'm busy? So let me catch you up. You being my 5 readers.

We are approximately at T-minus 6 weeks. That's where the holy crap part comes in (also see Pre Cana section) but I'm trying to lasso my chakra and be zen . Currently my chakra has been leading me to a glass of wine every night before bed which totally helps in the zen department. Anyway all in all I'm feeling like things are going pretty much according to plan ( I just jinxed my whole wedding) and we are rapidly checking things off the to-do list.

Here is what has been going on most recently.

The dress is in and for the most part fits perfectly all appropriate accessories have been matched and purchased. Mark bought his suit last weekend and I hear it's a stunner, although I haven't laid eyes on it yet. So we will definitely have clothes for the wedding which is a good thing, naked weddings are awkward.

I finally wrestled, hog tied, and forced Mark down to a jewelers. After about 30 minutes of debating 3 rings that looked exactly the same we had a weddingband purchased. It's not that he doesn't think it's important, I have to go through the same process with him when we have to shop for anything even his underwear, which if you attended the bridal shower you know is Fruit of the Loom. My rings have come in and are lovely.

Invites are out. That was a painstaking process. Remind me never to use the tiniest string in the universe to hold a design together. I now have arthritis but it was worth it. Everyone seems to like them (if you don't don't tell me). I'll be posting more blogs with specific info for the events leading up to Saturday as mentioned in the invite so stay tuned for that. Big shout out to CARLY for helping with the design and ALL the printing. Lifesaver.

We completed the required Pre Cana classes. The book we received (as pictured above) was entitled Together For Life. Now is it just me or does that sound more like a sentencing then a celebration? Either way Pre Cana turned out not to be the "holy crap" I thought it would be. We didn't really even talk about Jesus until the end. It was actually nice to be around other couples who are going through the same things, and our host couple Katherine and John were badass. If you have to do Pre Cana in Brooklyn anytime soon make sure you go on a weekend when they're hosting. We passed with flying colors and even got our little certified Pre Cana Diploma. We are now completely legit and ready to stroll down the aisle of Saint Charles.

My wonderful bridal shower was last weekend hosted by the best B-maids ever. Together with my family they put a TON of work into it and it came off smashing. I made off with a bountiful booty, all to be put to good use in (hopefully) a new apartment this fall. The most interesting part of my shower is how my wonderful finacee made an appearance without making an appearance. His answers to the "How well do you know Mark game" kept me on my toes and kept everyone else rolling. Was I really supposed to know the answer to "What does Mark wish you would do more of" was "Make homemade potato chips with parmesean shavings" or that he thinks my bra size is DD. Oy. Everyone who hasn't met him really can't wait now!

So thats about it for now. Next up is a quick trip to The Haxton's in RI to pick out the liquor, the official walk through of the venue with all my designers, The tasting with the caterer, deciding on the location for our rehearsal dinner and planning the honeymoon. Piece of cake.

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